336t SWEET HARMONY - Christian Harmony - Alabama

Christian Harmony AL

to the Southern Harmony version of this tune
to the Christian Harmony N.C. version of this tune


OH, tell me no more of this world's vain store,
The time for such trifles with me now is o'er;
A country I've found where true joys abound,
To dwell I'm determined on that happy ground.

No mortal doth know what Christ will bestow,
What life, strength, and comfort do after Him go!
Lo, onward I move to see Christ above.
None knowing how wondrous my journey will prove.

Great spoils I shall win, from death hell and sin;
'Midst outward affliction shall feel Christ within;
And still, which is best, I in his dear breast,
As at the beginning, find pardon and rest.

When I am to die, receive me, I cry.
For Jesus has loved me, I cannot tell why;
But this I do find, we two are so joined,
He'll not live in glory and leave me behind.

This blessing is mine, through favour divine,
And, O, my dear Jesus, the praise shall be Thine.
In heaven we'll meet in harmony sweet,
And, glory to Jesus, we'll then be complete.